引用本文: | 贾晨,吴聪,张超,等.基于电热系统联合规划的城市商住混合区能源站优化配置[J].电力系统保护与控制,2017,45(6):30-36.[点击复制] |
JIA Chen,WU Cong,ZHANG Chao,et al.Optimum configuration of energy station in urban hybrid area of commerce and residence based on integrated planning of electricity and heat system[J].Power System Protection and Control,2017,45(6):30-36[点击复制] |
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基于电热系统联合规划的城市商住混合区能源站优化配置 |
贾晨,吴聪,张超,周静,刘公博,白牧可,蔡永翔,唐巍,孙辰军 |
(南瑞集团公司北京电研华源电力技术有限公司, 北京 102200;中国农业大学信息与电气工程学院, 北京 100083;国家电网河北省电力公司, 河北 石家庄050021) |
摘要: |
针对城市能源需求日益增大、分布式光伏发电具有不确定性、商住混合区供热供电独立规划导致能源综合效率不高的问题,基于电热系统联合规划研究城市商住混合区能源站优化配置。首先,考虑光伏出力的不确定性,建立了典型日各时段光伏出力的多状态模型。其次,分别以一定置信度下的年费用和运行费用最小作为上、下层目标函数,提出了嵌入机会约束规划的城市商住混合区能源站接入区域电网、热网的二层规划模型。该模型基于电-热网络综合潮流,考虑了可控分布式综合能源单元的优化调度,因而仿真模拟更符合系统的实际运行,结果更准确。最后,采用分段二进制编码和精英保留策略遗传算法对所提出模型进行求解。北方某城市商住混合区算例结果表明:与电热分产相比,区域电-热系统联合规划能够有效地减少运行费用和污染物排放;随着系统供能可靠性的提升其经济性将有所下降,所以规划时应结合成本增加灵敏度和系统实际要求来权衡经济性和可靠性。 |
关键词: 多状态模型 能源站 城市商住混合区 电热系统联合规划 机会约束规划 |
DOI:10.7667/PSPC160433 |
投稿时间:2016-03-28修订日期:2016-05-28 |
基金项目:国家电网公司科技项目“用户侧微能网能源站和能源网络规划关键技术研究”(52467K150007) |
Optimum configuration of energy station in urban hybrid area of commerce and residence based on integrated planning of electricity and heat system |
JIA Chen,WU Cong,ZHANG Chao,ZHOU Jing,LIU Gongbo,BAI Muke,CAI Yongxiang,TANG Wei,SUN Chenjun |
(Beijing Dianyan Huayuan Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd., NARI Group, Beijing 102200, China;College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China;Science and Technology Communication Department, State Grid Hebei Electric Power Company, Shijiazhuang 050021, China) |
Abstract: |
To address the problems of increasing uncertainty caused by distributed generation and lower efficiency of energy system planned separately in urban hybrid area of commerce and residence, the optimum configuration of energy stations in urban hybrid area of commerce and residence is studied based on the integrated planning of electrical and heat system. First, the multi-state models of photovoltaic during each period in typical days are built. Then, the bi-level programming model of the new-built energy stations in electrical and heat network near consumers is presented, whose upper and lower objectives are the minimum of the annual and operating costs separately under some confidence level based on chance constrained programming. Optimum dispatch of the controlled distributed energy unit is also considered based on the electrical and heat power flow, which conforms to the real operation of the system, thus the final calculation is more accurate. Last, the elitist strategy genetic algorithm based on segmented chromosome coding is applied to solve the proposed model. The simulation results indicate that the integrated planning contributes to a lower operating cost and less emission of pollutants, also higher reliability of system brings about the decreasing economy, thus both the sensitivity of capital’s improvement and the real requirements of system should be considered to keep a balance between the economy and reliability. This work is supported by Research on Key Technology of the User-side Micro Energy Grid Power Unit and Energy Network Planning chnology Project of State Grid Corporation of China (No. 52467K150007). |
Key words: multi-state model energy station urban hybrid area of commerce and residence integrated planning of electricity and heat system chance constrained programming |