引用本文: | 徐乔笙,谢维成,江山,等.一种监测母线槽温升信号的无线传感器动态采样策略[J].电力系统保护与控制,2019,47(8):106-112.[点击复制] |
XU Qiaosheng,XIE Weicheng,JIANG Shan,et al.A wireless sensor dynamic sampling strategy for monitoring temperature rise signals of busway[J].Power System Protection and Control,2019,47(8):106-112[点击复制] |
摘要: |
母线槽的温升会因异常因素发生快速变化,但无线传感器受能源和传输速度限制无法一直保持高采样率和高上传率。为了使无线传感器根据温升变化速率自动调节采样间隔和上传频率,改进了一种无线传感器节点动态采样策略FDSI。首先分析了原采样策略对于采集变化快速的温升信号的缺陷,然后对其调节采样间隔的方法做出调整,最后利用Matlab仿真进行两者的对比研究。结果表明对于监测密集型母线槽温升信号,调整后的无线传感器动态采样策略与原策略相比信息丢失更少,冗余采样更少。 |
关键词: 无线传感器 母线槽 采样策略 温升 |
DOI:10.7667/PSPC180541 |
投稿时间:2018-05-09修订日期:2018-07-11 |
基金项目:教育部“春晖计划”(Z2015115);国家自然科学基金项目资助(61307063);四川省教育厅自然科学重点项目资助(15ZA0127);四川省教育厅重大培育项目资金资助(17CZ0033) |
A wireless sensor dynamic sampling strategy for monitoring temperature rise signals of busway |
XU Qiaosheng,XIE Weicheng,JIANG Shan,ZENG Chuanhua,JIANG Defeng |
(College of Electrical and Electronic Information, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039, China;Chongqing Sound and Light Co.Ltd, Chongqing 401332, China) |
Abstract: |
The temperature rise of the busway will change rapidly due to abnormal factors, but the wireless sensor can not keep high sampling rate and high uploading rate all the time because of the energy and transmission rate limit. A wireless sensor node dynamic sampling strategy, FDSI, is improved to automatically adjust the sampling interval and upload frequency according to the temperature rise rate. Firstly, the shortage of the original sampling strategy for sampling under the rapid change of busway temperature rise is analyzed. Then it changes the way in which the original sampling strategy adjusts the parameters. Finally, the Matlab simulation is used to compare the two methods. The results show that the dynamic sampling strategy of the adjusted wireless sensor is less than the original strategy, and the redundant sampling is less than the original strategy. This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61307063). |
Key words: wireless sensor busway sampling strategy temperature rise |